Sunday, November 15, 2015

Another Chilly Morning

Captain Sam's

It was another cold morning out at Captain Sam's but we didn't experience as much wind as yesterday. We banded 30 new birds and had 19 recaptures of 15 species. The most interesting catch of the day was a late Northern Parula. All the other species caught today are birds that may potentially winter here. We also caught another Sharp-shinned Hawk! This comes after Ryan watched a few hawks bounce out of nets this week.


Little Bear

Another chilly morning at Little Bear with slightly less troubling winds allowed us to keep our nets open for a normal amount of hours today. Although our capture rate remained average for mid-November, with 35 new birds and 5 recaptures of 8 species, we had the usual late migrant movement of Yellow-rumped Warblers and a few new Ruby-crowned Kinglets, as well as a new Hermit Thrush. We also saw and heard several Song Sparrows calling and singing throughout the area, likely setting up their wintering territories. The highlight of the day was definitely recapturing the Green Heron from the other day.


  SpeciesCaptain Sam'sLittle Bear
Green Heron---1
Sharp-shinned Hawk1---
Downy Woodpecker-1--
Carolina Chickadee-11-
Carolina Wren-1--
Ruby-crowned Kinglet4231
Hermit Thrush-11-
Gray Catbird1541
Orange-crowned Warbler1---
Northern Parula1---
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)18125-
Eastern Towhee-1--
Song Sparrow1-1-
Swamp Sparrow23-1
White-crowned Sparrow1---
Northern Cardinal-3-1

 Banding StatsCaptain Sam'sLittle BearTOTAL
# Birds Banded303565
# of Recaptures19524
# of Species15916
Effort (net-hours)125.077.55202.55
Capture Rate (birds/100 net-hours)39.251.632.09

Banding Staff
Aaron Given (CS)
Mattie VandenBoom (CS)
Chris Snook (LB)
Nancy Raginski (LB)
Casey Weissburg (LB)
Michael Gamble (CS)
Ryan Donnelly (CS)