Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday's Results: Blackpoll Warblers!

We banded 17 new birds and had 6 recaptures of 12 different species today.  The "Bird-of-the-Day" was not 1, but 2 BLACKPOLL WARBLERS.  These represent the 1st fall records for Blackpoll Warbler at the current location of KIBS!  In 2009, during my pilot season I banded a Blackpoll Warbler at an alternate site at the east end of Kiawah Island.  A Blackpoll Warbler was also banded at KIBS during our spring migration monitoring in 2010.  A couple of Northern Waterthrushes put in an apperance this morning as well after being absent from the nets for a week and a half.   

Blackpoll Warbler (after hatch-year, female)


1 "Traill's" Flycatcher

2 Gray Catbird

3 Palm Warbler (Western)

2 Blackpoll Warbler

2 Northern Waterthrush

3 Common Yellowthroat

2 Northern Cardinal

2 House Finch



1 Carolina Chickadee

1 Gray Catbird

1 Yellow Warbler

1 American Redstart

1 Common Yellowthroat

1 Summer Tanager



# of Birds Banded:  17

# of Recaptures:  6

# of Species:  12

Effort:  81.6 net-hours

Capture Rate:  28.2 birds/100 net-hours

# of Nets:  17